It sounds cliche, but its true. I, like most humans, search for connection with other humans. I have a desire to share myself with others. This became all too clear to me just last week. I was in a class that sparks strong emotions in me --Chicana (Meixcan-American Women) History. No soy Mexicana, by blood, but a part of my heart IS Chicana.
After class I went to speak with the professor. I got asked the usual question that basically says: "you're white, why did you live in Mexico, explain." and "You have 2-3 minute window until you lose my attention."
My usual line is "oh I was born here in the USA but moved to Mexico when I was three." I get a confused quizzical look that desires further explanation of why a white girl would grow up in Mexico. "My parents are missionaries." As with most conversations, my professor's attention tapered off after that. She had satisfied her basic curiosity, and my desire to connect with someone I hoped would understand me, diminished quickly.
Its ok, I understand, my proff is a busy lady. But I left class with a nagging sense to share, to connect. I left full, like when you have something so exciting you are just bursting to share it with any and everyone.
I proceeded to call one of my best friends. Voicemail. And then of course my sisters, voicemail. Ahh technology...
So, with that said, here I am writing my first blogg. I'm not a writer. I journal all the time, but I don't claim to be a writer. Usually the wonderfully designed thoughts I create in my head somehow don't find their way onto the page. Still, whether it be 1 or 50 people reading this (or none) I'm putting it out there because I'm very full.