Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mi vida - un libro

The road I have written.
Daily I find myself imagining my life as a movie- or a book:

Hope woke up that morning with an unsettled feeling in her stomach and chest. She sat up and took several deep breaths in and out.. The day before seemed a blurr. Had she really quit her job? And not only that but quit her job with no other immediate prospects?

The day prior had proven to be a very pivotal day for Hope. Sitting in her car on her lunch break and sobbing on the phone to her boyfriend saying "I feel like I've hit the tip of the iceberg. I need to leave this place." By the end of that shift Hope had handed in her two weeks notice, uncertain if it had been 'just' and emotional decision that she would regret.

Somehow narrating my life as if it were in a book or a movie makes it seem safe and certain. There is a narrator, a story, so of course somebody has to know whats going to happen...right? But, when I think about it more I realize that, I am the narrator and the writer- but I don't know what is going to happen next, or even how to make the next Chapter more interesting, or more productive, or better.


  1. Oooh! Sounds dramatic. I want to know what happens next. I hope you are doing okay.
