Tuesday, June 1, 2010

free time

these two pictures are of two different roads (obviously) the one thats a dirt trail is part of the actual trail that goes all the way around Orvieto. The road is about a 1/2 mile hill I've been running up lately :)
It’s something of a blustery afternoon here in Orvieto. I have spent the past couple hours trekking around the city taking pictures and on a search for a bathroom. I finally went and took pictures of where I run, but the pictures I got are of a new place I found only yesterday. It is nice to have variety.

It is so calm now. I’m sitting in the living room listening to the wind blow through the trees and watching the curtains float into the room and settle back down. There’s a window or a shutter in some part of the apartment that will make a banging noise every now and again. I love the wind. I love being able to cozy up and listen to it bluster around me.

I decided to brew myself a nice cup of Italian espresso. Making my coffee here is much more involved than it is back in Tucson. I like my coffee better! They have these little espresso makers you put on the stove and you get a little shot of espresso. What I do is also heat up milk on the stove and I have myself a homemade “latte.” (The quotation marks are for Katlyn if you’re reading this :D)

There’s nothing quite like slowing yourself down after buzzing about and feeling full of anxiety. I find it a gift when I feel so stressed and anxious and I’m able to sink into a comfortable chair and simply let everything go. I love having time to do that. How pleasant to have only one class a day for a mere fifty minutes and the rest of the day to do as I please? Ironically, it is not always a pleasant experience. Learning how to use time I’m not use to having is a challenge. I’m still learning how to shape my days on my own, without having obligations such as work and school to rely on for structure.

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