Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Return To the States

This morning I almost reached my hand to try and find the lighter for our stove but then quickly remembered its an electric stove- no gas, then when I went to put the milk away I turned to place it on the door and realized that's where I put the milk in Orvieto, not here in Tucson. I'm back in Arizona, at least physically. I think my mind takes longer to travel across continents and oceans. It seems as though my mind was barley arriving in Italy and getting settled in when Whoops! Gotta turn around and go back from where you came! I started packing a week before I left Orvieto but now that I'm back in Arizona it seems as tho now I'm actually mentally 'packing up' Orvieto and my time in Italy.

I don't know precisely how to 'pack up' my time. Of course I mean some up my time. I like to look at a situation or time in my life and put a summary on it, a concluding thought. But, I have actually too many scattered thoughts and impressions. Suffice to say, if I could have stayed longer in Italy I would have, but I suppose I have to return to reality at some point. I need to deal with the pile of mail on my desk, the mess of unpacking, and of course the returning to work (thankfully not for another three days).

Something quite wonderful about coming back to Arizona has been coming back to my apartment. How wonderful to return to a place (however small) that's mine, and to already be somewhat settled. Yes I have a 'to do list' but I also have a cozy place and a roommate (with food in the fridge!) to welcome me home. Home...yes perhaps I'm home?

Pictures: me journaling at the train station in Florence while Eugene waited in line to get our tickets and the other one is of Eugene and I in the Colosseum

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