Monday, May 24, 2010

Last day of no classes

The first picture is my school! The food was my dinner last night, or wait the night before? don't quite remember. It was delicious. The other picture is a view from my apartment. Beautiful eh?
Last night I went to bed around eleven, was about to fall asleep and all of the sudden my roommates started speaking very loudly. I was woken up and after that could not fall asleep until around two or three in the morning.
We had our orientation meeting this morning so there was no sleeping in. Our meeting was in what use to be a church. You could tell the room was old, it has the same musky smell as my ‘apartment’ here does. I use quotes because I feel like our apartment is more like a house. Anyhow, we were addressed by Alba and Claudio, the two Italian organizers of this program, along with Dr. Soren who is from the U of A and I guess comes here every summer.
After a run down of some paper work and logistics, we got a brief tour of the school. It’s small, only about 6 classrooms and a couple computer rooms so I don’t think I’ll be getting lost, which is great.
At one point during the meeting I was inspired to ask about taking a third class, drawing which made for more waiting around so Alba could add me to the roster. But over lunch (a glass of wine included) I was talking with my roommate and decided I do only want to take two classes while I’m here. I want time and not be stressed.
Orvieto is becoming my running heaven. I discovered a trail that goes around the entire town of Orvieto (4 kilometers which I think is 2.5milesish giving you a good idea of how tiny the town really is). It has these amazing hills and is shady and provides me with the most AMAZING view of ‘down the hill’ from Orvieto. Gorgeous. I will be taking pictures at some point.
Well, I think that’s all for now. I’ll try to post some pictures but the internet seems really slow here and I have been having a hard time with loading pictures.


1 comment:

  1. oh wow. so wish I could go running with you around Orvieto. how enchanting and peaceful. Please post pictures of the run soon! maybe we can get it in the runner's world magazine for "fab runs."
