Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Return To the States

This morning I almost reached my hand to try and find the lighter for our stove but then quickly remembered its an electric stove- no gas, then when I went to put the milk away I turned to place it on the door and realized that's where I put the milk in Orvieto, not here in Tucson. I'm back in Arizona, at least physically. I think my mind takes longer to travel across continents and oceans. It seems as though my mind was barley arriving in Italy and getting settled in when Whoops! Gotta turn around and go back from where you came! I started packing a week before I left Orvieto but now that I'm back in Arizona it seems as tho now I'm actually mentally 'packing up' Orvieto and my time in Italy.

I don't know precisely how to 'pack up' my time. Of course I mean some up my time. I like to look at a situation or time in my life and put a summary on it, a concluding thought. But, I have actually too many scattered thoughts and impressions. Suffice to say, if I could have stayed longer in Italy I would have, but I suppose I have to return to reality at some point. I need to deal with the pile of mail on my desk, the mess of unpacking, and of course the returning to work (thankfully not for another three days).

Something quite wonderful about coming back to Arizona has been coming back to my apartment. How wonderful to return to a place (however small) that's mine, and to already be somewhat settled. Yes I have a 'to do list' but I also have a cozy place and a roommate (with food in the fridge!) to welcome me home. Home...yes perhaps I'm home?

Pictures: me journaling at the train station in Florence while Eugene waited in line to get our tickets and the other one is of Eugene and I in the Colosseum

Friday, July 2, 2010

Post Orvieto Journeys

So its been quite a bit since I've written. This is because my last week in Orvieto was a turbulent hurricane of studying for Italian, taking an AMAZING cooking class, squeezing in some final runs, preparing for my digital photography final, and topped off with a trip to Rome on that Friday to pick up Eugene from the airport. *phew*! It was a lot and went by so fast.

Since leaving Orvieto Eugene and I have journeyed to Venice and then to Florence where I now sit. Tomorrow morning we are off to Roma where we will spend our last day and a half in Italy. I am left with mixed emotions about the short remainder of time for our trip. On one hand I look forward to the comfort of familiarity that returning to Tucson brings, even to some extent my job (the monetary aspect at least), and I have found myself day dreaming about running on a treadmill! But I don't feel ready quite yet to go back. I haven't mastered Italian, or spent long luxurious days wondering around a city just to wander and then cozy up in a cafe and journal for hours. I know I have had five weeks in Orvieto to do just this yet I find myself wishing for more. I am soaking up every last bit of aqua frizzante (frizzy water), Italian TV, and loud zooming vespas that I can (and I really don't like the noise vespas make).

Today we visited Pisa. I don't have any pictures uploaded for them yet but please enjoy the ones I have posted from Orvieto (Eugene and I at the farewell dinner), Venice (picture taking from Ponte Academia), and Florence where Eugene was admiring a beautiful (replica) door of the baptistry of the duomo in Firenze.


Friday, June 18, 2010


The next few anecdotes/stories are a collection of funny/strange things that have happened to me while being here. A couple are excerpts from my journal.

First story: On our way back to Orvieto from Amalfi last weekend I caused a mild car accident. Yeap that’s right me. We had just gotten off the water taxi and we going to cross a major road at a cross walk. I was with a group of three other gals and crossing a street in groups can be annoying. “wait do we go now?” or “what if I go but she doesn’t?” so I decided that being an experience crazy street crosser I’d take the first step. I carefully stepped out only a little and as I watch the cars, I see a small brown boxy car start to slow down. The driver put his arm out the window to indicate to other drivers he was slowing down so I stepped forward and continued. I get about halfway across and BAM! The vespa behind that car crashes into and the person on it I saw sort of contort and fly off. I quickly finish crossing to street and look over to the other side where my three friends are still standing stunned and I said “well aren’t you going to cross?” Haha all the traffic had stopped at that point. I was somewhat perturbed about this situation because from what I saw the car was slowing down for me and it was really the vespa’s fault for not paying attention. Of course one gal took it upon herself to say ‘why did you cross?’ I explained to her what you just read. I’m slightly sensitive about this event because I felt as though everyone was pointing the finger at me and especially since it’ll be that stupid American girl that caused the accident. *sigh* o well I’ll never see those people again and I don’t blame myself.

The next two anecdotes are excerpts from my journal entry this past Wednesday. I decided to skip the planned tour for the day and study for an Italian test and gets some peace and quiet. I went out and sat on some grass that is next to the Duomo (the large main church in town-pictured above I would have taken more pictures of the area but the day before I 'decided' to empty the contents of my water bottle out in my backpack and drown my camera). I was there for about an hour studying successfully and then began to journal….

“Omg awkward what the heck? I have been sitting here on the grass on the side of the Duomo. Awhile ago a lady walked by and sat on the stairs just past me. I didn’t pay much attention to her…then just now I look up and I see what I assume is her husband. He walks pat me (there’s a little sidewalk cutting through the grass) and I assume he continues walking. After a little I hear rustling in the grass, look to my left to see feet next to me and look up and there he is leaning over me watching me write! I’m sure I looked surprised. I think I gave him a half smile and simultaneously looked over the woman who was smiling and walking our way. I guess I woulda said hello but I donno which language to use, there are so many languages that come through here.”

I want to also mention I looked up and the man had this big smile on his face. So odd for a stranger to do something I expect only someone I know to do! Ahh Europe

The next excerpt actually follows right after this..

“lol and now I turned around and a ways off in the grass there are two people with extremely short hair laying in the grass eating each other…and still are. And I feel as though either the person I think is a girl just has short hair.. or I’m not sure but there they are as though there is no one else in the world but them…still going…hmm…lol now this elderly man is walking by them and staring back. Ooop passing by me and saying hi in Italian? He stopped briefly and I think he realized io no capisco. And the couple is still going. Its funny how I have such a strong need to know if they are both boys, girls, or one of each. All things considered this isn’t a terrible place to lay down and make out. It’s a gorgeous day with a breeze and the grass is soft as a pillow…and they are still going. Still not convinced that they are not both guys. I wonder if they’ve realized that they have a narrator?”

My journaling goes on the ramble about other things and then I decide to get up and walk past the couple to see if I can figure out if they are boys/girls. I figured out one was definitely a girl, at leas the body of a girl but had a mannish face while the other seemed to have a more female face. Finally I sat down across the courtyard at the school (my school I’m attending here) and watched them get up: “So I’m in sight of that couple again….oh! They just stood! I think they are both girls…at least they have the anatomy of females. Hmm ok works for me.”

This third story just happened to me today and its pretty short and sweet and I find it amusing.

We have a buzzer to our apt. So someone buzzes you pick up the phone and find out who it is and you can also push buttons and let them in. An hour or so ago the buzzer went off and I expected it to be one of my roommates so I answer “hello?” and there is someone speaking Italian on the other end and I don’t understand what they are saying!! I thought they were asking for Adelita? I kept saying ‘uh no’ and again he’d say his thing ‘no…no…’ we went back and forth a couple more times and then I awkwardly just hung up. Then I realized ‘osta…p..posta! mail he’s telling me we have mail!’ lol I leaned out our front window and saw him and said ‘senor (no that’s Spanish Hope!) sinore!’ and he looked up and smiled very nicely “Posta?” “si posta” and he pointed to our door. Lol poor man. All he wanted to do was his job and let me know that we have mail and I insisted on telling him ‘no.’ lol sorry sir no I don’t want your mail. Anyhow I am still chuckling over this a bit 

Monday, June 14, 2010


(picture of me at the beach and the other is the view from the room we had our last night there)
I know it has been a bit since I wrote last. Lemme tell you, its been busy but fun! I spent the past four days away from Orvieto at the Amalfi coast. I went with a few friends from the program. I traveled there with two gals. We did the whole booking a hostel and like good planners bought our train tickets there and for our return trip.

Our trip went as follows. Of course after much back and forth of planning of what we could afford and where we wanted to have the actual trip. We met at the funicular at 8:15 am (the funicular is a lift of shorts...only is shuttle form for those of you that donno...i had never heard of it before). This brought us to the lower level of Orvieto (I am living up on an amazing hill!) where the train station is.

On our way down we chatted with a few other people in the program. Two other gals were going to Madrid and were on the same 8:57am train to Roma with us. Let me tell you, when they say 8:47 they mean 8:47! Aside from one train arriving a little late, I have found that Italy's trains are quite timely!

We got to Rome around 10:15am. I was pretty nervous about this trip because I had heard horrifying things about the Rome train station. Not as bad as I thought. I bit hectic and very full of people but I was also with a gal that had maneuvered the train system before and she knew what to do.

From Rome we hop a train to Salerno. Before getting on the train we ask a conductor (or someone that looked like one at least) which car we should get on. He points to the closest two. Us being innocent and niave jump on. Don't worry, it wasn't anything exciting like we got on the wrong train. I was pleased to find a very open and nicely air-conditioned train. We sat next to an older American couple, white middle class and very chatty. A bit too chatty in my opinion. Anyhow,when the guy came around checking our train tickets he informed us we were on the wrong cart and nicely asked us to switch when we arrived in Naples. The other second class carts, not so great. Very crowded and we had a heck of a time finding out seats. We did manage.

Ok so I could write an entire blogg about the trip to Amalfi alone! Sorry I had no internet access for a few days and the cafe I found I had to pay so no time to blogg!

We found our way to Amalfi. From Salerno you can get to the nearby coast towns either by bus or water taxi. We chose the water taxi. Quite a lovely experience :)

Amalfi was SO humid! But i managed to run all three days we were there!

Remember how I mentioned we got our return tickets? Those were for sunday the 13th. The night before (after only 1 full day in Amalfi) I was talking with my friends and told them how it'd be so nice to stay! Long story short, I blew off my ticket and an Italian class. It was worth it but I must admit I am GLAD to be back in Orvieto. It was hot and humid there beyond belief!

If you have a chance, go to Amalfi. The beaches aren't quite like Im use sand. They are rocky and slightly painful to walk on but they rent beds and umbrellas for pretty inexpensive and you can kick back all day if you so choose!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

free time

these two pictures are of two different roads (obviously) the one thats a dirt trail is part of the actual trail that goes all the way around Orvieto. The road is about a 1/2 mile hill I've been running up lately :)
It’s something of a blustery afternoon here in Orvieto. I have spent the past couple hours trekking around the city taking pictures and on a search for a bathroom. I finally went and took pictures of where I run, but the pictures I got are of a new place I found only yesterday. It is nice to have variety.

It is so calm now. I’m sitting in the living room listening to the wind blow through the trees and watching the curtains float into the room and settle back down. There’s a window or a shutter in some part of the apartment that will make a banging noise every now and again. I love the wind. I love being able to cozy up and listen to it bluster around me.

I decided to brew myself a nice cup of Italian espresso. Making my coffee here is much more involved than it is back in Tucson. I like my coffee better! They have these little espresso makers you put on the stove and you get a little shot of espresso. What I do is also heat up milk on the stove and I have myself a homemade “latte.” (The quotation marks are for Katlyn if you’re reading this :D)

There’s nothing quite like slowing yourself down after buzzing about and feeling full of anxiety. I find it a gift when I feel so stressed and anxious and I’m able to sink into a comfortable chair and simply let everything go. I love having time to do that. How pleasant to have only one class a day for a mere fifty minutes and the rest of the day to do as I please? Ironically, it is not always a pleasant experience. Learning how to use time I’m not use to having is a challenge. I’m still learning how to shape my days on my own, without having obligations such as work and school to rely on for structure.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yesterday (Friday the 28th) I went to Rome. We were split into two groups and my group when to the Vatican. I think we lucked out because it rained a good half of the day. I love it. The smell of rain was so refreshing.
Our tour guide for the visit was this little old Italian woman. She had so much spunk. At one point she was showing us pictures of the Sistine chapel (because you're not allowed to give tours in the actual chapel)and informed us that the ceiling part that Michelangelo painted he started from the end of the creation story and worked his way back to the beginning. Because of this he actually drew Even being created first "and that I think is more accurate" she said "because Adam and Even were actually created not side by side." Our tour guide, Gabriella, holds that the original translation says this and that the rib story was added later. "When somebody asks me how do I know this? I ask them how do they know any different?" :-) She was an instant favourite of mine.
It is so hard to describe what I feel when I'm surrounded by so much history. I saw one gal actually crying in the Sistine Chapel and at one point I thought maybe I'd do the same. I kept asking myself why do people want to keep sculptures with only the torso remaining? Why is this HUGE museum kept and why do so many people come from around the world to see it? Is it just because we learned about it in a textbook at some point? And because the creators of these works of art greatly affected art as it is today? Perhaps those are a couple reasons but I think it is more. I am not an art aficionado so I don't even appreciate fully all of the technical aspects of the art. For me there's something beyond just the art. It is the building, the place itself. To be withing walls that hold so much history is intoxicating. Just walking down the halls and into the Sistine Chapel there is a presence, a largeness (pardon the not so great choice of words)that surrounds me and feels powerful. That is why people hold to history and places like the Vatican. Its history and prevalence today is powerful.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Week Since I left Arizona

It has been officially a week since I flew out of the Phoenix airport. This week has felt long. I have found that is what happens whenever I begin something new; the first while feels long and then as more time passes, it goes quicker. I had a teacher tell me one time that is because you have more time to compare it to. That is why the older you get, the faster time goes. When your 5 you only have five years of life as a reference but when you're 55 you've got 50 years more than when you were 5.
That was a random tangent. I have been processing a LOT as I'm sure you can imagine. It is hard to know where to start or what exactly to write about. I could list out everything I've done and tell you in detail about all the tours I went on yesterday. I got to see some awesome sites in Orvieto! They took us to the local theater and up a clock tower. AMAZING view from up there. We also saw the duomo (which is I believe cathedral in Italian) and I learned that Orvieto has lots of underground caves. They took us to the caves and we got a history lesson on how to make olive oil. I don’t remember much.

But through all this sight seeing, I bring myself. What I mean by that is I bring not just the physical me but my thoughts, emotions, perceptions, insecurities, worries, hopes, dreams. I think the main thing that stands out for me from this past week is my self insecurity and self perception. I find myself constantly comparing myself to other girls. I’m talking about looks. Personality too, but mostly looks. How do I match up? Oh she dresses better, but I’m prettier. Or she is so skinny, I’m jealous. You know, stuff you’d expect. I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do with these perceptions. When stuff like this becomes a major issue for me I ‘pounce’ on it right away. I cannot live in a world where I hate myself. I’ve tried, it doesn’t work.

I had my first digital photography class today. I found out quickly that I did not buy the appropriate camera. I only have a basic point and shoot and we were supposed to get a fancy smansey camera. Oh well, the professor said he’d work with it because we are in Italy and don’t have a way to get me another camera.

For this class we are going to generate a collection of photos that have a theme. He didn’t ever use the word theme but that is the way I understand the assignment. I found myself at times going into panic mode. What if my pictures are horrible? What if my idea is terrible? In fact, I don’t know where to start with an idea. I feel as though my imagination went out the window after 13. So, aside from feeling 10 steps behind the rest of the class with my lackluster camera, I also feel little to no creative juices. We will see where this leads…

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last day of no classes

The first picture is my school! The food was my dinner last night, or wait the night before? don't quite remember. It was delicious. The other picture is a view from my apartment. Beautiful eh?
Last night I went to bed around eleven, was about to fall asleep and all of the sudden my roommates started speaking very loudly. I was woken up and after that could not fall asleep until around two or three in the morning.
We had our orientation meeting this morning so there was no sleeping in. Our meeting was in what use to be a church. You could tell the room was old, it has the same musky smell as my ‘apartment’ here does. I use quotes because I feel like our apartment is more like a house. Anyhow, we were addressed by Alba and Claudio, the two Italian organizers of this program, along with Dr. Soren who is from the U of A and I guess comes here every summer.
After a run down of some paper work and logistics, we got a brief tour of the school. It’s small, only about 6 classrooms and a couple computer rooms so I don’t think I’ll be getting lost, which is great.
At one point during the meeting I was inspired to ask about taking a third class, drawing which made for more waiting around so Alba could add me to the roster. But over lunch (a glass of wine included) I was talking with my roommate and decided I do only want to take two classes while I’m here. I want time and not be stressed.
Orvieto is becoming my running heaven. I discovered a trail that goes around the entire town of Orvieto (4 kilometers which I think is 2.5milesish giving you a good idea of how tiny the town really is). It has these amazing hills and is shady and provides me with the most AMAZING view of ‘down the hill’ from Orvieto. Gorgeous. I will be taking pictures at some point.
Well, I think that’s all for now. I’ll try to post some pictures but the internet seems really slow here and I have been having a hard time with loading pictures.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Third Day in Italy, Second Full Day In Orvieto

this is from yesterday 5/23/10
The picture is me with my first Italian Pizza!! I eventually ate the entire thing! Yumm!!!

Italy thus far has been a pleasant experience. I don’t think I’ve been here long enough to feel homesick. But I am seeing certain things that will begin to get aggravating and or tiring after a five week stay.
First thing is my apartment’s showers! Our main bathroom is a large bathtub with a showerhead at the level of the tub spout. (this is pictured above) Hmm…and then we have another shower that I tried using earlier today. I let the water run and run to get hot. Half of the water felt warmish and just as I started to get my hair wet, the water turned off. Great. So that is going to get old.
Second, I have to take a solid 15 minute walk to an internet café that has touch and go internet. (snapshot of the counter above)Just now I was trying to talk to Eugene. The conversations were seconds long so finally we graduated to chat and then my internet just disappeared entirely. A Sense of disconnection has arisen for the first time since I arrived. I have not other way really to communicate except for a little phone card I bought. So I’m hoping for better internet access at the school. (hence I’m writing this on word).
Those are the two things I see for potential frustration. It’s really hard to tell though. Tomorrow the real stuff starts. We are meeting for our orientation meeting, signing stuff etc and later getting a tour of Orvieto. Classes start Tuesday, hurrah. I am actually looking forward to some sort of structure.
I went for my first run in Italy today! It was an easy going run. I went with one of my roommates. I’m looking forward to exploring a little more and running a little longer. The roads are NARROW!! But we managed fine and found so many awesome things! The country side here is breathtaking!! I kept wondering; “What would it have been like to grow up here? To just walk down the street and for it to be normal to see a building that was probably a castle back in the day.” I’ll have to take my camera sometime when I go running, or go for another exploratory walk.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Arrival in Orvieto Italy

If there is one thing I have already learned since I left to the USA, flew across the Atlantic for the first time in my life, and arrived in Italy is that just because I speak Spanish it does NOT mean that I will be right about my guesses as to what certain things mean in Italian. Also, I learned that Newark is not the same as New York. Heh...

Here's why I say this. After my 8 hour flight to Rome from Newark I stood in a long line to go through customs, this means essentially you hold up your passport for a guy in a booth to wave you past. And I got this nifty visa for what? No stamp, nuttin. Anyhow. Upon passing through there I saw right away an exchange window. I handed the lady my 220 dollars I wanted exchanged. This lady spoke very poor English and tried to explain to me something in Italian about 5 euros and I still don't know what that was about. After handing her my passport for ID conformation, I received 131 euros for 200 dollars. For some reason she found no need to exchange the extra 20. I dunno.

I ran in to fellow Orvieto goers at the exchange window (Elderly couple and another man around their age)! Three professors. I overheard one of them telling the lady that they were staying in Orvieto. It was quite lovely to have company as we looked for our luggage band and waited anxiously for our suitcases.

Newark, not the same as New York. The lady of the couple and I were speaking and at some point I used Newark and New York synonymously. Then I asked her "Why do they say Newark. Whats the difference?" I got an amused chuckle 'heh, well distance for one.' I googled Newark it is NOT New York, its just in the state New York. I think the reason I thought this is that not until high school did I learn New York is also a state, not just a city. I supposed that idea has just stuck in my head. But aside from that, on the boarding pass they write Newark/New York. See the slash? Doesn’t that imply this or that, ie the same thing??

Thank God I got to take a shuttle! Me and my new found friends/professors got our luggage and headed out to the gate. Right away we found a couple U of Aers waiting at the allotted meeting spot. Slowly more and more of us accumulated to a group of about 35 or so.

After about a two hour bus ride we arrived in Orvieto. Orvieto is atop a very large hill. It is such a cute town! We were dropped off by a bus station of sorts. There I was assigned the name of my apartment and some roommates. We managed to squeeze our luggage (some suitcases weighed 60 plus pounds!) in the back of a small car, and then we squeezed ourselves in.

Now I know why Europeans drive such teensy weensy cars!!! The roads here are more narrow than in Oaxaca and some of them are two way!! The whole town feels like a labyrinth. We went left, right, straight until I didn’t know which way was which because the buildings are so tall!

Our apartment is ADORABLE! I will try and post pictures asap.

So…I have more things to tell but I think I’ll end with my story about why I shouldn’t rely entirely on my Spanish. At some point yesterday my roommate and I left on a hunt for a phone card to call our families and let them know we are alive and well. We ended up in a café/bar close by. I decided I needed to use the restroom. I got downstairs to the "toilettes" and saw the bathrooms side by side. They were labeled “signore” and “signori” and being o so savvy in Italian, because of my fluency in Spanish, I quickly deduced that of course its “signori” is the female and proceeded to that room. The restroom was a single person restroom which I much prefer. The toilets here are different than the USA toilets. The tank is actually attached to the wall, up high, and you push a button in the wall to flush the toilet. The hole in the toilet where all the water goes faces the opposite direction than in the USA and there’s very little water that sits in the bowl. Anyhow…back to the story…

While I was washing my hands I saw a guy come downstairs. He looked a little confused and was looking at me and at the different bathrooms. I wisely and knowingly said “I think that one over there is the men’s.” He seemed grateful and went in. I saw him close the door to his bathroom. Low and behold there was a figure of a little woman on the door; you know the typical women’s restroom sign (my bathroom didn’t have that.) Haha. Thankfully they were single person bathrooms.

So Italian 101 e is female i is male :)

More to come!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


It sounds cliche, but its true. I, like most humans, search for connection with other humans. I have a desire to share myself with others. This became all too clear to me just last week. I was in a class that sparks strong emotions in me --Chicana (Meixcan-American Women) History. No soy Mexicana, by blood, but a part of my heart IS Chicana.
After class I went to speak with the professor. I got asked the usual question that basically says: "you're white, why did you live in Mexico, explain." and "You have 2-3 minute window until you lose my attention."
My usual line is "oh I was born here in the USA but moved to Mexico when I was three." I get a confused quizzical look that desires further explanation of why a white girl would grow up in Mexico. "My parents are missionaries." As with most conversations, my professor's attention tapered off after that. She had satisfied her basic curiosity, and my desire to connect with someone I hoped would understand me, diminished quickly.
Its ok, I understand, my proff is a busy lady. But I left class with a nagging sense to share, to connect. I left full, like when you have something so exciting you are just bursting to share it with any and everyone.
I proceeded to call one of my best friends. Voicemail. And then of course my sisters, voicemail. Ahh technology...
So, with that said, here I am writing my first blogg. I'm not a writer. I journal all the time, but I don't claim to be a writer. Usually the wonderfully designed thoughts I create in my head somehow don't find their way onto the page. Still, whether it be 1 or 50 people reading this (or none) I'm putting it out there because I'm very full.